Monday, March 21, 2011

best, and inspiring QUOTATIONS :>

as we all know, QUOTES is a short saying that inspires everybody. For me, quotations can make me realize new things like in this quote
it's just that if things are over just smile don't be sad 'cause once you just stay sad you can't move on. Better smile and be proud of yourself because you experienced it, you just accepted the fact that there are just things that cannot be so whether that experience is happy or sad memory it's okay just go with the flow and let yourself move on :)

this quote goes for my friends who give me strength during the times that i feel REALLY REALLY DOWN.
"a TRUE friend sees the pain in your eyes when EVERYBODY BELIEVES YOUR FAKE SMILE"
when I' m down I still manage to smile but here's the thing my true friends still sees the pain in my eyes even when I have the smile drawn in my face but deep inside they know I have problem even if I keep on denying it. They gave me advises and they help me go back to the track where I' am supposed to be, They cheer me up and thank you for that :"> 

and this quote goes for all the people who will love, willing to love and ready to sacrifice anything just for LOVE 
"it's better to SHOW your love rather than to TELL your love 'cause ACTIONS SPEAKS LOUDER than WORDS"
let your love feel your presence because it's better to show it to them then let them feel it than saying it to them    and for that they don't feel any presence and/or love of yours.

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